This weekend was Mayfest in Fort Worth. This is a big, outdoor festival on the Trinity River that usually draws a big crowd. We went last year just for the fun of it, but this year Ava and Macy danced at Mayfest. Here they are in their costumes (minus the hats) before we left the house.
The song they danced to was "Beat It" so in the above picture they are showing off their Michael Jackson one-glove look. We wanted to give ourselves plenty of time to get there in case the traffic was bad or the parking was a nightmare, but we ended up getting there WAY early. When we found their stage, they were on dance #6 in the lineup and Ava and Macy's dance was #29. We knew they weren't going to be able to sit and watch all of the other dancers so we killed some time by walking around Mayfest. Here they are petting a real Horned Frog.
Then we looked at some cute, little puppies (from a distance of course).
We had a little refreshment.
Here is Ava watching the "Big Girls" dance. I think she could have sat and watched all of the dances,
but Macy was a little more antsy.
Amost time!
FINALLY, after we had been there for about an hour and a half, it was time for BEAT IT. If you want to see some hilarious comedy, check out this link below:
I am terrible at videoing, so sorry for the shakiness and cutting off their heads in the beginning but how hilarious is it that they forgot to turn around for the first 30 seconds?? The end is supposed to be the Moonwalk but it turned into a little dancer pileup. I love it! I think it is precious and Ava and Macy will look back on it and crack up one day. After all of that excitement, they really were "beat" and fell asleep on the way home.
In June, they have their big recital where they will do the Beat It dance again and a ballet dance. Can't wait to see what they have in store for that! : )
As for Mother's Day, I have to brag on Ben for a minute because check out my Mother's Day present:
A Cuisinart Food Processor!! I was so excited about this! I mentioned one day while watching the food network that I would like to have a food processor. I didn't think much else about it until Macy came in the room last night carrying this big, heavy box. I was really surprised that Ben remembered I said that AND he did his research and got me a really good one!! I chopped, diced, and grated things all day. So fun! Happy Mother's Day!!