The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Parades, Picnics, and Party Hats

We have been so busy lately that I declared last Saturday as "Family Fun Day." Ben has been working like crazy and left last Sunday morning for a four day work trip to Boston and New York so I wanted to have some family quality time before he left. Saturday morning we went to the annual Frisco Community Parade. The girls loved the parade, especially the marching bands. It was crazy windy but we still had a good time. I had planned to go to the park and have a picnic lunch after the parade but it was so windy that there was no way we could have set up a picnic outside. All of our things would have blown away. So, we set up camp in the back of my car and picnicked there. After lunch, the girls rode their trikes around the park and played for a while. Ben was in Boston on his birthday so my plan was to celebrate on Saturday but I ended up really putting this on the back burner and didn't plan anything! He begs me every year not to do presents and make a big deal of his bday but I usually make a cake at the very least. Major fail this year but luckily Stephanie came to the rescue!! Eddie was out of town so Stephanie, Brooklyn, and Chandler came over to watch the Razorback game with us. Stephanie rescued the day by bringing party hats and cupcakes to celebrate Ben's bday!! Here are some pics from our eventful day.

 Waiting for the parade to start. So windy!

 Waving to the policemen.

 Dancing to the bands

 Picnic in the car

 Notice Ava in her Snow White dress. I think she has worn it every day since it came in the mail the week before Halloween.

 Ben partying with the little people.

 Blowing out his candle

Snuggled up to watch a movie.  

Monday, November 14, 2011

Looking Back

I almost forgot to post some pictures from past Halloweens. It's fun to look back at these pictures.

First Halloween. Tulip Fairies. Halloween at this age was all for me and picture opportunities... not for them. We took them to Boo at the Zoo thinking they would like that and it would give us an opportunity to show them off in their super cute costumes. They fell asleep. (but I had fun showing them off!)

Hating life as a tulip fairy

Really hating life as a tulip fairy

Second Halloween. Ladybug and Bumblebee. Loved these costumes! We went to Boo at the Zoo again and they got much more out of it this time! This was the age where it was IMPOSSIBLE to get them to be still for a picture and there was no way I was going to get a good one of both of them.

Ava fell and scraped her nose the night before Halloween.

Third Halloween. Minnie Mouse. We went to Trunk or Treat at our church then passed out candy to Trick or Treaters at our house. I think they were the cutest little Minnies ever!!

First Jack O Lantern

"Princess Pumpkin." Our pumpkin for the pumpkin decorating contest at their school.

Our pumpkin won the "Most Glamorous Pumpkin" Award. : )

Playing Carnival games at Trunk or Treat.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Four Days of Halloween

Halloween for us started on Friday and lasted through Monday. The girls loved Halloween this year. They had a great time dressing up, partying, trick or treating, and of course eating candy.

Friday, Ava and Macy had their "Storybook Character Party" at school. "Storybook Character Party" is the politically correct term for "Halloween Party" at a Christian preschool. : ) Here they are in their costumes with their Cinderella and Snow White books. (We have a whole collection of these litte old school fairytale books and they LOVE them. They were excited to be able to take them to school and show their teachers and friends).

Saturday, we went to our neighborhood Halloween block party. It was a lot of fun! There was a bounce house, a fire truck and firemen, lots of yummy food, a candy hunt, and good company. We enjoyed meeting our new neighbors. So many of our neighbors are young families with kids under 5 which is perfect! Here are some pictures of the festivities.

We took a break from costumes on Sunday and then of course the real fun was on Monday. This was the first year that Ava and Macy went door to door trick or treating. They were so excited after school they could hardly stand it. When the time finally came around, we got dressed and hit the streets. I wasn't sure if they would be kind of timid about it, but they weren't. They went right up to the doors and said, "trick or treat" and even remembered to say thank you (with a few reminders). What a fun night!!

We went with princess tiaras instead of the headbands for Halloween night. We needed a change for round 3.

Practicing at our house first

Walking to thier first house

Happy Halloween!