The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break

We had a great Spring Break last week. We didn't travel which was fabulous. It seems we always do a little traveling during vacations from school so it was so nice to stay put and just relax. I spent a lot of my time repainting Ava's room. That's right.... REpaintimg. We hired someone to paint the girls' rooms a few weeks ago but I ended up hating the color that I picked out for Ava's room. It was a cute green color on the little card at Lowes but it was terrible when on the walls. Think lime sherbert. Glowing lime sherbert. Yikes! I decided I couldn't live with it and needed to repaint it. I couldn't bring myself to pay someone to paint it AGAIN, so I spent a couple of hours each day painting. We also went to several different parks, ran a bunch of errands, had a playdate with the Nalley girls, went to Gatti Town (Chuck E Cheese on steroids), went to Build a Bear, rode bikes, and chased butterflies. Chasing butterflies took up quite a bit of time during our break. There is a big field behind our house that will eventually be more houses but for now it is a great place for the girls to play. There are lots of little yellow butterflies flying around in the field so Ava and Macy made it their personal mission to catch one. Of course, they never caught one but they had a great time trying and it provided hours of entertainment with very little fighting. One time I went out to check on them and they had two cups from the kitchen. One filled with grass and one filled with water so that the butterfly would have a place to live and something to drink after they caught it. : )

And the biggest event of the break was the girls got a major hair cut. I took them to the "real" salon where I get my hair cut and they loved it. They now have these cute little bobs and they look SO old. I teared up after she was done with Macy's because I couldn't believe how big she looked. Like she is 7 years old or something.

Chic Fil A with Brooklyn

The Before Picture

 The After Picture

Getting ready to make brownies. Their special treat for being good girls at the Salon.

Macy putting the heart in her bunny at Build A Bear

 Ava's bunny from Build A Bear. She named it Kate (which is also Ava's middle name).

 Scrubbing and fluffing Kate and Daisy the Bunny.

 The outfits that they picked out. Ballerina and princess of course.

At Gatti Town.

Riding the pirate ship at Gatti Town

What a fun week. After writing this post, I decided we didn't do much relaxing after all. Oh well.... it was still a nice break from our usual daily grind.  

On an unrelated note... Macy made her first goal at their soccer game last Saturday. Go Macy!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Playing Catch Up

We've had a lot going on lately so this post will catch you up on what we've been doing.

We have been...............

Hitting The Slopes
Ben and I recently took an adult only ski trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It was awesome. We went with two other couples and had an amazing time. It was an extended weekend with no kids, no work, and no daily grind. There was fresh air, snow, good company, great food, and of course lots of skiing. Ben and I both really enjoy skiing, so it is always a fun vacation for us when we get to go. We are going to try to make this an annual trip with our friends so I am already looking forward to next year!!

You could catch the lift right outside of our front door!

We stayed in our last night. Chris and Michelle cooked a delicious dinner for everyone. Fun times.
Playing Soccer
The girls had their first soccer game last week and their second game this weekend. Watching them play soccer is really fun. Ava scored a goal during the first game!! She was SO proud of herself. 4 year old soccer is pretty hilarious. There is usually someone laying down on the field or picking flowers or running in the wrong direction. It gets pretty intense too though. It's so exciting when they actually score a goal. Especially when it is in the right goal!  I love it . So much more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

 Ready for the game

 Macy #3 and Ava #6

This is a random picture I took of Macy but love the little girl crawling on the ground.

 Ava at the start of the game. She got to call the coin toss. She called tails and won so she kicked off to start the game. 

 About to kick off. It looks like those girls on the other team are pointing at her and heckling her but I think their coach just asked them which goal they are supposed to kick it to.

There she goes!

Macy getting ready to kick it in bounds.

Good kick!

Going to See a Play
Mom made a quick trip last weekend to TX to take the girls to see the play, Charlotte's Web. It was playing in Fort Worth and we got to town a little early so we went to the Botanical Gardens to walk around and take some pictures. Mom got a new camera so she wanted to try it out on her two favorite models. She got some good ones.

Talking A Lot About Weddings
Ava has been asking so many questions about weddings and getting married lately. I think it is a combination of her obsession with princess movies (they always marry the prince in the end) and all of the weddings that she has been a part of lately. She asks me 3 times a day about mine and Ben's wedding and if we kissed at our wedding. When she says kissed, she uses a voice like its the grossest thing she's ever heard. Kinda funny. But, the other day this was the conversation at dinner.
Ava: Daddy, when I grow up I want to marry you.
Ben: Well, that's sweet but I'm your dad. It's kind of weird to marry your dad.
Ava: Okay, then I want to marry someone just like you.

I know that every little girl has that same conversation with her daddy at some point but I had tears in my eyes because I thought it was seriously the sweetest thing I had ever heard. So precious. Those are the moments that make this parenting thing all worth while. I can handle the fighting, and non-stop tattling, and embarrassing tantrums in the middle of McDonalds if they sprinkle in a little of that sweetness every now and then.