I have had a feeling all along, but especially for the last few weeks, that it was going to be a girl. I just couldn't picture anything else. The bad news is Ben won't have a baseball buddy (softball maybe??) but the good news is we will have another precious girl to make our family complete. I can't imagine it any other way.
Everything on the ultrasound looked good. Her heart, brain, and other anatomy all checked out great. They couldn't get a good look at her left arm because of the way she was laying so they want to do another ultrasound in a few weeks to check that out. They are not worried about it but just want to account for both hands and all 10 fingers. The doctor also wants to take another look at the fluid level around the baby. He said the amniotic fluid around her is in the "low average range" so he wants me to really hydrate and drinks tons of water then come back in 3 weeks to check it again. It's probably something we'll just have to keep an eye on throughout the pregnancy. It's kind of weird because the fluid levels were something that we had a lot of trouble with when I was pregnant with the twins (among other things). Ava had way too much fluid and Macy didn't have enough. Just kind of a strange coincidence because all of their issues were due to the fact that they were twins but then here we are again with fluid issues and only one baby. It should be fine though. I'm drinking lots and lots of water and expecting no major problems. On another note, my blood pressure is good and I've gained 9 lbs now. And I'm really starting to feel her move a lot which I love! She was moving around like crazy during the ultrasound. So cute!
Now we begin the search for the perfect name and start the nursery. Ava is very opinionated about the name. She does not like the name that Ben and I are leaning towards and is not afraid to say that she DOES NOT want to name the baby that. She really wants to name her Caroline or Reagan. We like both of those but like another one better. She will not hear about anything else though. She is really set on Caroline. I decided to start a list of names we like and told her we would put everybody's top favorites on the list. It has satisfied her for the time being that Caroline is on the list but I don't know what she'll do if we end up not picking that one. So, what are Macy's favorites that she added to the list? Captain Hook and Pecan. Yes, I actually wrote both of those on the official baby name list. Everyone gets a chance to voice an opinion and she said those were her favorites. She obviously doesn't take baby naming as serious as Ava.
Sweet little foot |
This is her face. Kinda scary. |
Profile. Much cuter than the full on face shot. : ) |