The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Monday, July 30, 2012

Baby Wyatt is a ..........


I have had a feeling all along, but especially for the last few weeks, that it was going to be a girl. I just couldn't picture anything else. The bad news is Ben won't have a baseball buddy (softball maybe??) but the good news is we will have another precious girl to make our family complete. I can't imagine it any other way.

Everything on the ultrasound looked good. Her heart, brain, and other anatomy all checked out great. They couldn't get a good look at her left arm because of the way she was laying so they want to do another ultrasound in a few weeks to check that out. They are not worried about it but just want to account for both hands and all 10 fingers. The doctor also wants to take another look at the fluid level around the baby. He said the amniotic fluid around her is in the "low average range" so he wants me to really hydrate and drinks tons of water then come back in 3 weeks to check it again. It's probably something we'll just have to keep an eye on throughout the pregnancy. It's kind of weird because the fluid levels were something that we had a lot of trouble with when I was pregnant with the twins (among other things). Ava had way too much fluid and Macy didn't have enough. Just kind of a strange coincidence because all of their issues were due to the fact that they were twins but then here we are again with fluid issues and only one baby. It should be fine though. I'm drinking lots and lots of water and expecting no major problems. On another note, my blood pressure is good and I've gained 9 lbs now. And I'm really starting to feel her move a lot which I love! She was moving around like crazy during the ultrasound. So cute!

Now we begin the search for the perfect name and start the nursery. Ava is very opinionated about the name. She does not like the name that Ben and I are leaning towards and is not afraid to say that she DOES NOT want to name the baby that. She really wants to name her Caroline or Reagan. We like both of those but like another one better. She will not hear about anything else though. She is really set on Caroline. I decided to start a list of names we like and told her we would put everybody's top favorites on the list. It has satisfied her for the time being that Caroline is on the list but I don't know what she'll do if we end up not picking that one. So, what are Macy's favorites that she added to the list? Captain Hook and Pecan. Yes, I actually wrote both of those on the official baby name list. Everyone gets a chance to voice an opinion and she said those were her favorites. She obviously doesn't take baby naming as serious as Ava.

Sweet little foot

This is her face. Kinda scary.

Profile. Much cuter than the full on face shot. : )

Friday, July 20, 2012

4th of July and Grandparents Galore

We had a fun 4th of July this year with neighborhood friends. On the 3rd, we went over to some friends' house for dinner and had a small, informal neighborhood gathering in their front yard. The kids played in a blow up pool and rode bikes while the adults ate, drank, and visited. Fun times! On the 4th, we went to the pool, cooked out burgers, and then met up with friends again for a fireworks show. The fireworks didn't start until 10:15! The girls had been so excited about the fireworks all day but by 10:15 they were pretty cranky and tired, so I don't think they cared that much about them.

Getting ready for fireworks in their red, white, and blue.

The next day I met my parents half way between Monticello and Frisco so that the girls could spend a few days with Gigi and Papa without me. Mom likes to have them to herself for a few days every summer. It gave Ben and I the weekend to get some things done around the house without the kiddos. We have been working on finishing up Ava and Macy's bedrooms so that we can get started on the nursery. I headed to Monticello on Monday and spent a few days then took the girls to Little Rock later in the week so they could spend time with Grammy and Pawpaw. They had so much fun with all of their grandparents. Both sets kept the girls super busy and spoiled rotten. Just in a little over a week, the girls went swimming, went to 2 movies, went to the library, got manis and pedis, visited all of their great grandparents,  played on the slip n slide, went to a children's museum, went shopping (to buy toys for themselves), played with huge water rockets, and ate an endless amount of popsicles and ice cream.

Playing the race car game at Ray's (their favorite restaurant in Monticello)

They loved playing in the back of my dad's truck. They would use his tools and say they were fixing things. They loved these bungee cords that have these little hooks on the end. The funny part was that they called them "hookers," so one night when I called to check on them, they told me they were having fun playing with Papa's hookers. Hmm......interesting.

Jumping off the diving board! No more floaties for these girls!

Loved playing with Nana's dog, Sandy.
Even though Macy is making a face, I love this picture. To me, this picture tells it all. True personalities. I am going to try to devote a blog post to Macy and her silliness and crazy facial expressions.

Then, as if that isn't enough grandparent time, Mom came to Frisco the next week! I had 3 days of continuing ed workshops (ugh!) so Mom came here and kept the girls for me. Again, they went to movies, swimming, restaurants, the splashpad, and GattiTown. I mean seriously..... spoiled rotten and loving every minute of it! I think next week will be grandparent detox for us. Healthy eating and staying at home! : )

In baby news, I had my 16 week appointment a couple of weeks ago and everything looked great. They weighed me, took my blood pressure, listened to the heartbeat, and sent me on my way. My appointment was the fastest appointment in the history of doctor appointments! My appt. time was 10:15 and I was back in my car at 10:29! But, I didn't really have any questions or concerns and everything is going according to plan so it's all pretty quick and easy. I had only gained 3 lbs. total but not to worry I have packed on some serious weight since then. My belly has really popped out in the last week. The exciting news is that we go this Wednesday (the 25th) to find out the gender of the baby! So excited to find out!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

TOT Performance and Weekend Guests

This past school year the girls have been participating in TOTs at their preschool. TOT stands for Teams of Tomorrow. They teach sports skills and some academic skills. Ava and Macy participated in the program that focused on basketball skills. I posted about their halftime performance at the Texas Legends game here. Last weekend they had their big, end of the year performance where they showed off all of the skills they have learned. We were very proud of their b-ball skills. Macy is quite the little dribbler. At the end, each child got a trophy and then of course we had to go out for celebratory ice cream!

Ava getting ready for the show to start

Macy before the show

TOT trophies

The girls with their TOT teacher, Mrs. Kristen. The girls LOVED her. They have liked all of the teachers and coaches they have ever had and haven't ever complained about anyone but I think Mrs. Kristen might be their favorite of all time. She was pretty special to them.

Mouthfuls of ice cream and gummy bears.

Later that day, Uncle Craig and Aunt Jax came to visit. They went to the Coldplay concert in Dallas Saturday night so they stayed at our house. We were able to visit with them Sat. afternoon and then went to brunch with them on Sunday morning. It was a quick trip for them but we actually got to visit which was nice. Usually, when they come here or when we are in Fayetteville, everyone is running in different directions so we don't get to see them as much as we would like. It was nice to get to catch up with them for a bit. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to prove that they were actually here, but I promise they were.  

This past weekend our dear friends, The Ramers, came to visit. Greg and Ben have been friends since high school (maybe even before?). We hung out with them quite a bit when we lived in Little Rock, so we miss getting to see them and love when they come to visit. They have a precious little boy, Myles, who is just about 8 months older than Ava and Macy. He is so sweet and well behaved. They came into town on Friday so we started the weekend by heading to a Rangers game. Myles loves baseball and is a good little t-ball player so he was very excited to go to his first major league game. Ava and Macy were excited about the nachos and hot dogs. : ) We met the Nalleys there too and had a great time. We stayed for the entire game (a first for us) and everyone did great! Saturday, the guys got up super early to play golf so Kelley and I took the kiddos to Ikea and Chic-Fil-A. When the guys got home, we all hit the pool for a few hours. And then, to top it all off, we had a babysitter come keep the kiddos that night so the adults could have a kid free dinner! We went to The Capital Grille which was delicious and definitely adult only food. No kids menu there! What a perfect weekend! We had a great time and hope they come back to visit soon.