Like I said in my last post... May was crazy! So many fun things going on. Here is the month in pictures:
They are REALLY into bugs right now. So gross! They find them and try to keep them as pets. Here is Macy holding her “pet” beetle. Notice the box on the ground with 2 other beetles. There are also little pieces of apple in the box for the beetles to eat. Sadly, two of the pet beetles suffered an untimely death when they were crawling around on the back patio. I didn’t know they were out of their box and I walked outside and accidentally stepped on them. The girls were mad at me for two whole days for killing their pets! Oops!
Here they are at their last soccer game with their BFF Audrey. Audrey goes to school with them and plays on their soccer team. She will go to their same elementary school too!
They had a Mother’s Day ice cream party at school. We ate ice cream and they gave us presents and little books that they made.

Guess who was the hit of the party. Ava and Macy are such proud big sisters.

My gifts. A "spa in a bag." They made some oatmeal scrub and some kind of honey soap. And a sweet little book about me and all of the things that we do together.

We had an end of the season soccer party at a bowling alley. The girls (and Ben) also played Laser Tag for the first time. They had a blast!
Trophies and cake
We had a second soccer party during Memorial Day Weekend. I don’t have any pictures, but the coach invited the whole team to his house to swim and cookout. After dinner and swimming, everyone went to the FC Dallas soccer game (a professional soccer team that plays here in Frisco). So after swimming, all of the kids changed into dry clothes to get ready for the game. Out of 15 kids, guess which one fell into the pool completely clothed? Our very own Macy Claire! She was reaching for a water gun in the pool and fell in. Socks, tennis shoes, headband, the whole bit. I was inside and didn’t see it. Ben was outside but was talking and didn’t see it. She can swim but another dad grabbed her out immediately. Thank goodness he saw her because I don’t know if she would have panicked and forgotten how to swim. Hopefully she learned her lesson about reaching for something in a pool!
I hosted a party at our house for a special lady that I work with that is retiring at the end of this school year. I work with 15 speech pathologists at my school, so we had almost the whole crew here and some of the spouses too. It was a fun time. This is not a very good picture but it is the only one I have.
Here are some pictures I took on Memorial Day:

Gotta have the silly one.
We had some rough weather here so Ava and Macy decided to camp out in the shower. They learned about tornadoes at school and that you are supposed to hide in the bathroom so that’s what they did. In the shower. With blankets and the iPad. Roughing it!
That pretty much sums up what we have been doing in May. We also had a few Birthday parties and a field trip to the Dallas zoo. Unfortunately, I couldn’t go on the field trip so I don’t have pictures but the girls had a blast.
There is one more MAJOR event that took place in May. It was so big that it is going to get its own post. Ava and Macy had their Pre-K graduation! It was so special. Here is a little sneak peek because I don’t know when I will be able to get around to blogging about it. Stay tuned!!