The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

6 months

Aubrey James is 6 months old! This 1/2 year mark has brought lots of “firsts” for her. All of these things have happened in the last couple of weeks:

First airplane ride and first vacation! (I will have a whole post about that soon).
First taste of fruits and veggies!
First time to sit up by herself!
First time in a highchair!
First time to drink water out of a sippie cup!
First time to go swimming!
She has actually been in the pool in a float but I don’t have a picture of it. This picture shows her little blow up pool with a Bumbo which is what she did on the beach every day.
Wow! Lots of new things! We also had her 6 month checkup and everything looked great. She is 28.5 inches long which is the 99th percentile and 17 lbs. 9 oz which is the 82nd percentile. She is a chunky monkey!!  She is still taking 4, 6 oz bottles a day and she eats rice cereal or oatmeal with a veggie or fruit twice a day. So far she has loved sweet potatoes, carrots, and applesauce. Not a fan of green beans! She makes the most hilarious face when I give her a bite of green beans. She still sleeps from about 8pm to about 7am. She is not the best napper in the world, mainly because she is so inconsistent with them. Sometimes her naps last 30 minutes and sometimes they last 2 hours. So, some days she only takes 2 naps and some days she needs 3. It all depends on how long she sleeps and also whether or not we are on the go. She will cat nap in her stroller or car seat but it is usually only a quick one and she will wake up if the car stops or if we try to take the car seat out of the car. The girls used to sleep through ANYTHING and actually still do but she is a pretty light sleeper which is kind of a bummer. Other than that, she is pretty much perfect. Here are a few 6 month pics.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pre-K Graduation

Ava and Macy's school put on a pre-k graduation for all of the little ones heading off to kindergarten. It was such a special event for them. Grammy, Pawpaw, and Gigi all came in town to watch the graduation and help us celebrate. All of the kids marched in together to Pomp and Circumstance. They sang lots of songs that they had learned throughout the year and some that were specific to graduation. Each child took turns standing at the front of the stage and saying their name and what they want to be when they grow up. Macy said she wanted to be a pilot which is an improvement over what she told me at the beginning of the year. Ava said she wants to be a professional dancer. Funny story about that.... When they first told me that they were going to do this on stage, I asked them what they were going to say. Ava told me she wanted to be a personal dancer!! I about died!!! Thankfully, she remembered it is PROFESSIONAL not personal! (Actually, I'm not sure that is much better!) Anyway, they did great on the stage and it was a fun night and surprisingly not too emotional. However, I was very emotional yesterday when I picked them up from their last day of Pre-K EVER. We love their teachers and their school so much and will miss them greatly. It's sad to pass this milestone of preschool and daycare and jump to elementary school. I know they are ready though and will do great.



Their teacher, Mrs. Kelly, gave the girls a gift yesterday (lots of art supplies) and wrote them these sweet notes.  They had a very special relationship with Mrs. Kelly. She loved Ava and Macy very much and told me that she had a special bond with them. The feeling was mutual. Ava once said to me, "Mom, do you know how much I love you?" "As much as I love Mrs. Kelly!!" Well, thanks (I guess!). : )  I can't remember if I have already posted about this but their school held parent teacher conferences in the middle of the year. At the conference, Mrs. Kelly told us that Ava is so hard on herself. She expects perfection and gets mad if she messes up on something. (perfectionism is totally a Wyatt thing... did not come from my genes!!) We see this at home so we weren't surprised to hear it; however, we were really surprised to hear that Macy is Ava's biggest cheerleader. Apparently at school, whenever Ava is being hard on herself, Macy cheers her on and says "You can do it Ava." We DO NOT see this at home but it melts my heart that they support each other when they are away from home.  Here are the really sweet notes that Mrs. Kelly wrote to the girls. As if I wasn't already emotional enough on thier last day, these made me cry!

Now I'm going to turn all braggy for a minute. I don't brag about my kiddos on facebook or even in real life that much but since this is my blog then I am going to go for it. I really should probably be bragging on their teachers more than anything. Ava and Macy have learned SO much this school year. They are reading. Not just sounding out some words, but actually picking up a book and reading it. Of course it's easy boooks and they still need some help but they can do it. They are doing some basic math stuff and even adding! The thing that I have really seen improve lately is their writing and spelling! In fact, over the last couple of weeks Ava has been really into writing thank you notes to Ben and I which is about the sweetest thing ever.  I think her handwriting is amazing and I love her spelling! (told you..... braggy!) Here are some examples of the notes:

I helped with the spelling on this one.

She did this one all by herself!

She did this one at school. "Dear Mom number one thank you for doing special (things) for us. Thank you very much mom and dad" How sweet is that?

This one was for Grammy. "Thank you for coming to our graduation. From Ava" It is all wrinkled because apparently I folded it wrong putting it in the envelope which made her mad so she wanted to throw it away. I grabbed it out of the trash and snapped a picture of it so Grammy could at least see it. Here you go Joyce! If I wasn't such a terrible folder you would have recieved this in the mail!
Here is one of Macy's. It's hard to read but it says, "Can we come to your house this summer Ms. Kelly Love Macy" She said there is a million hearts because that is how much she loves Mrs. Kelly.

Working on art projects together.

I am so proud of all they have learned and accomplished this year. They are doing so well academically, but the most important thing to me is that they have become so much more independent from each other. They have started dressing differently (a suggestion from their teacher that was kind of hard for me to accept) so we have totally seen their different styles and personalities in what they choose to wear. Macy is all about comfy and sporty and tennis shoes and Ava is all about sparkly and frills and fancy. You can totally see that in what they picked out to wear to their last day of Pre-K:

Saturday, June 1, 2013

May Madness

Like I said in my last post... May was crazy! So many fun things going on. Here is the month in pictures:

They are REALLY into bugs right now. So gross! They find them and try to keep them as pets. Here is Macy holding her “pet” beetle. Notice the box on the ground with 2 other beetles. There are also little pieces of apple in the box for the beetles to eat. Sadly, two of the pet beetles suffered an untimely death when they were crawling around on the back patio. I didn’t know they were out of their box and I walked outside and accidentally stepped on them. The girls were mad at me for two whole days for killing their pets! Oops!

Here they are at their last soccer game with their BFF Audrey. Audrey goes to school with them and plays on their soccer team. She will go to their same elementary school too!

They had a Mother’s Day ice cream party at school. We ate ice cream and they gave us presents and little books that they made. 101102
Guess who was the hit of the party. Ava and Macy are such proud big sisters.

My gifts. A "spa in a bag." They made some oatmeal scrub and some kind of honey soap.  And a sweet little book about me and all of the things that we do together. 106

We had an end of the season soccer party at a bowling alley. The girls (and Ben) also played Laser Tag for the first time. They had a blast!
Trophies and cake
We had a second soccer party during Memorial Day Weekend. I don’t have any pictures, but the coach invited the whole team to his house to swim and cookout. After dinner and swimming, everyone went to the FC Dallas soccer game (a professional soccer team that plays here in Frisco). So after swimming, all of the kids changed into dry clothes to get ready for the game. Out of 15 kids, guess which one fell into the pool completely clothed?   Our very own Macy Claire! She was reaching for a water gun in the pool and fell in. Socks, tennis shoes, headband, the whole bit. I was inside and didn’t see it. Ben was outside but was talking and didn’t see it. She can swim but another dad grabbed her out immediately. Thank goodness he saw her because I don’t know if she would have panicked and forgotten how to swim. Hopefully she learned her lesson about reaching for something in a pool!
I hosted a party at our house for a special lady that I work with that is retiring at the end of this school year. I work with 15 speech pathologists at my school, so we had almost the whole crew here and some of the spouses too. It was a fun time. This is not a very good picture but it is the only one I have.
Debbie's party
Here are some pictures I took on Memorial Day:
Gotta have the silly one. 


We had some rough weather here so Ava and Macy decided to camp out in the shower. They learned about tornadoes at school and that you are supposed to hide in the bathroom so that’s what they did. In the shower. With blankets and the iPad. Roughing it!

That pretty much sums up what we have been doing in May. We also had a few Birthday parties and a field trip to the Dallas zoo. Unfortunately, I couldn’t go on the field trip so I don’t have pictures but the girls had a blast.
There is one more MAJOR event that took place in May. It was so big that it is going to get its own post. Ava and Macy had their Pre-K graduation! It was so special. Here is a little sneak peek because I don’t know when I will be able to get around to blogging about it. Stay tuned!!

pre-k graduation