The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

8 months

Our sweet girl is 8 months old! The biggest thing that has happened lately is that she started crawling. She had been getting up on all fours for a while and would crawl a few "steps" then plop down. But on her 8 month birthday, she took off. About 4 seconds after she started crawling, she crawled right through the middle of Ava and Macy's Hi Ho Cherry-O game and for the first time I heard this, "Auuubreeeyyy, stoooooop iiiittt. Get away!" They still love her but now that she is mobile, I am afraid she might become the pesky little sister. : )

Here are some 8 month pics:

Playing doctor. Aubrey is getting a shot in her forehead and taking it like a champ. 
Watching TV
Holding her own bottle now!

No more Hi Ho Cherry O when Aubrey is around!

Her favorite place to play is the bottom of the pantry which actually works out because it keeps her busy while I cook dinner. 


Happy 8  months Aubrey James!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Tale of the Tooth

I have started back to work so who knows if I will ever get around to posting the July and August edition of our summer. I also need to do Aubrey's 8 month post and next week is Ava and Macy's first day of kindergarten so I will definitely have to post something about that. So much blogging so little time!! This is an important post though. We had a major life event happen around here last week. Ava lost her first tooth!

About a month ago, Ava noticed that her tooth was loose. One morning last week she came to me looking kind of upset and when I asked what was wrong she said her loose tooth hurt. When she opened her to mouth to show me, I almost gagged. It took everything I had not to freak out in front of her. The tooth was totally laying to the side and barely hanging on. So gross. I can catch vomit in my bare hands and deal with snot, blood, and poop with no problem but for some reason the thought of pulling that tooth was more than I could handle. Here is what it looked like:

 She didn't want me to touch it (thank goodness) so I talked her into eating something. I gave her apple slices and with the first bite it fell out. It was surprisingly easy and drama free!
These were my texts to Ben that morning. : )

 We went out to eat that night to celebrate and let Ava pick the restaurant. She picked her fave Mexican place. It's her fave because they give free ice cream with kids meals.

 Here is a picture of her precious new smile. She is so proud and is smiling extra big these days!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sweet Summertime (June Edition)

I have not done a very good job of blogging this summer. Summer is usually when I am able to blog the most but for some reason, this summer has been extra busy and has gone by extra fast. In order to tackle all of our summer happenings, I thought I would break it down into a June edition, a July edition, and an August edition. Here is the June edition:

My last day of school wasn't until June 8th and then we left for Florida the next day. You can read about our Florida trip here. The day after we got back from Florida was Father's Day. Ava and Macy made him this coffee cup at school. Apparently they worked on it together because they only brought home one. (BTW... if you ever teach school, Sunday school, VBS, dance class, etc. and have twins in your class... this is the WORST thing you could do. They are 2 SEPARATE people. Do not give them one cubby to share, or one take-home folder to share, or one project to work on. Seriously drives me crazy! Their pre-k was really good about seeing them as individuals but they kinda dropped the ball on the Father's Day gift.) Anyway, off of my soapbox. My favorite thing about this cup is that it looks like it says #2 DAD. Hilarious!

The girls said it is a #1 but it looks more like a 2 to me!! : )
Getting a Father's Day hairdo. Every dad deserves a little pampering on his special day!

I was pretty proud of the gift I gave Ben this year. I have a friend at work that is friends with Hunter Mahan's wife. Hunter Mahan is a famous (if you follow golf) professional golfer from Dallas. He was recently in the news because of this.  Ben is REALLY into golf and knew that I had a mutual friend with him and had mentioned me trying to get his autograph. I told him NO WAY. I was too embarrassed to ask. But secretly, behind the scenes, I asked my friend if she could get me something. She totally pulled through for me and got this autographed golf glove. Ben was really excited about it.

After we got back from Florida, we started swim lessons, dance, and karate. I posted about dance and karate here. I don't have any pics from swim lessons but the girls did a great job. We took from the Athletic Center like last year. They are able to swim all over the pool by themselves which is really about where they were at the end of last summer. Looking forward to next year when they can learn more about how to do the different strokes.

We recently had our patio extended. We had a fire pit built too. One night earlier this summer, Ben built a fire and we roasted marshmallows and made smores. They LOVED it. It was yummy but soooo messy!!


We've had lots of lazy mornings which is the best part of summer!

We have been doing a little practicing for kindergarten.

And then there have been those few, desperate times when I HAD to go to the grocery store and my only choice was to do it with these crazies. Fortunately we have a neighborhood market down the street and there is hardly ever anybody in there. So only the workers hear me threatening my children with harsh punishments every 5 seconds while attempting to buy some groceries. 
We went to a Rangers game with some friends. That is Ava and Macy's friend Jacob on the other side of Macy. Aubrey went too and did great. It was really hot but she didn't fuss (or sleep!) the whole time.
Ben and the girls also went to a Roughriders game with Jacob and his dad. The Roughriders are the local minor league baseball team. On Sundays, they let the kids run the bases after the game. Here they are right before running the bases.
Fun times in June! Stay tuned for July!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

7 months

Aubrey is 7 months now! Right after she turned 7 months, she got her first two teeth. She was a little needy and a little fussy but not the screaming and up all night that teething sometimes brings (I'm looking at you Ava and Macy). She also started babbling! She says, mamama and bababa and byebyebye. Love it so much! We spent about 10 days in Arkansas and all of this happened while we were there. The funny thing is Ava and Macy got their first teeth and started babbling while at my parent's house too. The girls' first babble was dadada so I'm glad Aubrey gave me a "mama" first. : )

She is also doing this:

She hasn't figured out how to coordinate her arms and legs yet but she is rocking back and forth which means she is close. Sooo not ready for her to be on the move!! She can already get across the room by scooting on her belly and rolling. There will be no stopping her when she starts crawling!

She is still doing 4, 6oz bottles a day and eating rice cereal, oatmeal, and baby food. I also started giving her some puffs and mum mums.

I have enjoyed my time with her this summer so much. Mrs. Paulina has been over a few times to keep her when I have a doctors appointment or something. She has kept all 3 kids plus her two! Quite the handful!

Here are a few pics from the last month:

Hanging with her buddy Gibson.
Everything goes straight to the mouth.