The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Macy Claire

Macy is the star student in her class this week. Her teacher sent home a poster for us to decorate and fill in all of her favorite things. We needed some pictures of just Macy for the poster so I started going through all of my pictures to see what I could find. Here is what I found. It pretty much sums up our little Macy Claire.....

This one wouldn't be so bad except here is what Ava was doing at that exact same moment:


Apparently she has always been into funny faces.

Eating a jalapeno. Because it's normal for a 5 year old to like jalapenos.

And finally..... a glimpse into what the camera roll on my phone looks like. 1,000,000 Macy selfies:

Oh how dull our lives would be without this goofy little girl!
I actually did find a few decent pictures of her. Here is her finished Star Student poster:
She did all of the coloring and writing by herself. We helped her spell words and I cut out the pictures and wrote her name with a glitter pen. She did the rest!

You may not be able to read it but her favorite food is "vegetables." Again, totally normal for a 5 year old, right???
Someday I would like to be "a pilot"
She has to tell her class about the poster tomorrow so here she is practicing before bedtime.

And because Ava can't handle that Macy is star student and she isn't, she made her own "starring me" poster. It says "You R the Star Stoodt" and lists all of her favorite things. : ) Apparently Macy's teacher draws out of a hat every Friday and Ava's teacher goes alphabetically. It's no fun being a W!!



Saturday, October 26, 2013

A few things....

A few things that we have been up to lately....

An adult only trip to Napa Valley. Ben went to his annual conference in San Francisco. I met him out there on Thursday night and we spent Friday and Saturday in Napa Valley and Sonoma. We spent a little time in San Francisco on Sunday and I flew back late that evening. Ben's parents came and took care of all 3 munchkins. (Which is not an easy job!!) We had a wonderful time. We were able to relax and enjoy some delicious wine and food and actually spend some time with each other.

Soccer. This is the girls 3rd season to play soccer and it has finally clicked for them! Not to get all braggy mom but they are doing SO good this year. They are kind of the best ones on the team. : ) There have been some games where the two of them score all of the points for our team.  It is fun to see them working together on the field. They will look for each other and pass it to each other. We are so proud! I guess I have been so busy cheering them on that I haven't taken any pictures. This is all I could find on my phone. They have two games left in the season so I will be sure to take some more.

future soccer player???
 Kindergarten Fun. There is SO much that goes on in kindergarten! I couldn't possibly begin to blog about all of the things they have done in kindergarten in the last couple of months. I am going to attempt to hit the highlights (or the things I have pictures of).
The first week of school they learned about scientists. Then this happened:

Conducting the experiment. Mixing dirt and hand sanitizer and stirring it with popsicle sticks.


Hat Day
Dress like what you want to be when you grow up day. I could not pull together a flight attendant uniform for Ava so I talked her into a doctor.
The Fun Run for their school fundraiser. This is Macy and her friend Kaitlynn.

Field trip to the Pumpkin Farm. I took off work to go with them and was so glad that I did.
 Obsessed with animals!
I was in charge of these 3 cuties. Ava, Macy, and Aubree. : )



picnic lunch

These are all kids from Ava's class (plus Macy). Macy joined with Ava's class for the day so that I could be with both girls during the field trip.


Ava strangling... I mean hugging... a goat.


Ava's class

Macy's class
Fun times in kindergarten!  They are loving it and really doing well. I think we have finally all adjusted to the craziness of "real" school. I was shocked at how fast paced everything felt and all of the extra things that go along with school. And I work for the district!!! I have no idea why this was so shocking to me! I have realized that they hit you really hard in the beginning with fundraisers and PTA and volunteer opportunities and a million (slight exaggeration) different "dress up" days. That may not sound like a lot but it totally overwhelmed me plus the girls had a bit of a rough time adjusting to the demands of school. They have been perfect at school but we had a rough time at home in the beginning. They were EXHAUSTED when they got home and we had some major fit throwing and just down right BAD behavior. But... knock on wood... they have been really good lately so I think they have adjusted and are handling it really well now. It is amazing to me how much they have learned in just a couple of months. Their reading and writing is improving so much already. Can't wait to see what they are doing by the end of the year!



Saturday, October 5, 2013

9 months

Life is a bit overwhelming these days. 3 kids, work, kindergarten, Ben's travel schedule, and soccer are wearing this mommy out. Not to mention the day to day stuff like grocery shopping, cooking dinner, laundry, and making lunches (my most despised chore of all!!!). Because of all that, blogging has had to be put on the back burner. However, I did not want to miss Aubrey's 9 month post! She is less than 2 weeks away from 10 months so I have to get this done!

This started happening:
She pulls up on EVERYTHING. ALL THE TIME. She isn't letting go yet or cruising but it won't be long.
Watching sisters play soccer.
 You probably can't tell in this picture, but she is clapping. Clapping is her favorite thing to do. If you sing pat-a-cake, she will stop whatever she is doing and start to clap. She will also clap when she hears music from the TV or radio. A lot of times when we try to get her to wave bye bye, she gets confused and starts clapping. : ) She has started dancing too. There is nothing better than a dancing baby!

I didn't do the pic with the 9 month sticker on the onesie. Just haven't had a chance to do it. But I love the above pictures of her! Such a happy girl.
We went to the dr. for her 9 month check up. Everything looked good. She is huge! She is now off the charts for height!! Above the 99th percentile. She is 85th percentile for weight. 22 pounds!! Her head circumference is 91st percentile. Big, healthy girl! : )
She is eating more real food and less baby food. Like her sisters, she is a good eater. She has loved just about everything that we have given her. Her favorite is probably macaroni and cheese. She gobbles it up!
Happy 9 months (almost 10 months) Aubrey!