The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Friday, December 20, 2013

11 months

I made it the whole first year without missing one of Aubrey's monthly posts... until now. She turned 1 earlier this week and I never did her 11 month post. But better late than never is pretty much my personal motto so here are some pics from her 11th month. I will do a whole post on her 1st birthday soon. And I need to blog about Thanksgiving. And the girls 6th birthday. And our trip to Disney World. And Christmas. Oh my. December wears me out.  I do not recommend having 3 children with birthdays in the same month.... especially when that month is December. It's crazy around here these days!

Decorating the tree.

The Wyatt girls. Thanksgiving at Aunt Em and Uncle Jon's house.

We brought this car seat of my mom's back from Arkansas so that Aubrey's babysitter could have it in her car. Aubrey was a little fussy on the drive back so we decided to switch out her seat so that she could ride facing forward. It made her so happy!

This has nothing to do with Aubrey but I mean.... seriously. This is the kind of stuff that happens around here on a daily basis. Green Lantern and Purple Lantern.

She is wearing the 11 month sticker and holding the 9 month sticker. This is the best one I got but to be honest I didn't try very hard. (See above comment about birthdays, Christmas, and a family vacation to Disney World.)