The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Here is what we have been up to lately.

We went to Fayetteville for the first Razorback game. It was Aubrey's first game and she did great!

Showing some Razorback love during college week at school:

Macy is the Star Student this week:

Top Golf:


Macy and her weird food habits. Here she is eating mussels. It was a brunch buffet and this was her second helping.  

Here is what Aubrey has been up to lately.

Breakfast and Lunch dates with Mommy. (Don't tell sisters!)

Drinking coffee and getting her work done:

haha! Don't worry... the coffee cup was empty. 

Being cute:

Wearing everyone else's shoes and socks:

She seriously LOVES shoes and socks. The bigger the better. She wears Macy's Toms and Ava's flip flops around the house every day. I bet she puts on at least one pair of my heels every day and loves to wear rain boots. These are just a few pictures that I happened to have on my phone but I could never post a picture of every time she puts on someone else's shoes because it is CONSTANT. : )

This picture is from this summer but I think it is really cute. Happy girls! : )

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Karate Kid

Macy took karate again this summer and loved it once again. She recently tested for her yellow belt and got it! It was a big deal and Ben and I were so proud of her. All five of us went to watch her test and she did great! She is taking classes this fall (in addition to soccer) so it keeps her pretty busy. But so far she is enjoying it and not complaining about having to go to class after a busy day at school. In fact, she already has two stripes on her yellow belt which means she may be testing for her next color belt soon! Way to go Macy!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Other Things We Did This Summer

We did some traveling this summer (see previous post) but we also had some fun at home. Here are some things we did:

Swim. Aubrey LOVED the water. She had absolutely no fear which made for some interesting trips to the pool!

The girls went to summer camp at Heritage on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every Thursday they took a field trip. Here they are at the Fort Worth zoo. 

Macy finally lost her first tooth!

Roughriders baseball game with friends.

 One day while Ben and Ava were playing golf, Macy decided to raid our closet and play dress up. It was pretty funny.

Hanging out with mom while the big girls play.

At a friend's petting zoo birthday party:

The Ramers came for their annual summer visit and we went to the Dallas World Aquarium. 

 Checking out the sharks!! 

Such a fun and busy summer! Can't believe it went by so fast! 

Friday, September 5, 2014

First Day of First Grade

I am working hard (if blogging counts as hard work) to catch up on all of the blogging that I didn't do this summer.  But first things first.... first grade!!!

Ava and Macy are at a brand new school this year. Hosp Elementary. It is in our neighborhood and we get to walk to and from school which the girls LOVE! It is such a nice way to start the day. It gets them moving before school and Aubrey gets to go on a little morning stroll. It is great. After school isn't quite as fun because it is HOT but hopefully around mid October we will enjoy the after school stroll a little more. And when it gets to be 30 degrees in January, carpool here we come! : )

Meet the teacher night:
Ava and Mrs. Webb. 

Macy and Mrs. Landphair. 

When Ben was about to take their picture he said, "Macy, no silly faces." And Mrs. Landphair said, "Let's both do one silly face!" And she won me over right there. : )

Breakfast before school. 

Discussing the day ahead. With Aubrey about to topple over a chair in the background. 

A couple of years ago I started the tradition of having them hold up a sign on the first day of school that says what they want to be when they grow up. Well, this year I forgot so we did it a few days late. 

Veterinarian (I should have stuck with "vet" b/c I think I spelled it wrong on her sign).

Scientist that studies animals. (I see a theme!)

Silly faces. And once again Aubrey climbing on something in the background.