The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

School's Out For Summer!

We made it through another school year. Ava and Macy had a great year in 1st grade and Aubrey had a great time spending her Tuesdays and Thursdays with Mrs. Lulu at her school. Here are some of our end of the year festivities:

Book Character Parade:
They each picked what character they wanted to be. I helped a little with the costumes but they came up with most of it themselves. 
Lilly from Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse 

This is Lilly

The Mouse from If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Field Trip to The Heard Museum to learn about animals and their habitats. 

Field Day at school:

1st grade girls loving on Aubrey. 

Lunch with a loved one and book fair:

This is their library at school. The decorations were awesome!

Pajama Day during the last week of school:

Macy got a Solid Gold Award for her "outstanding creative writing" and "always working hard to do her best." 

 End of the year school party:

Aubrey and I celebrating National Donut Day and our last day of being a twosome (at least until the end of August).  

We have been having a lot of fun this summer! Hope to get a picture post up soon of our summertime activities!