The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tales from Easter Past

Since I waited until the girls are 3 1/2 to start this blog, I thought it would be fun to post some old pictures to see how much they have grown. My plan is to do this with each Holiday. Since Easter was the most recent holiday, here are some pictures from Easters past and present.
Ava in bunny ears
Their first Easter Baskets
Bunny Pajamas
The girls were about 3 1/2 months old in these pictures. Sweet little Macy still had her oxygen. She got it off shortly after this. This time in our lives is such a blur, but I remember that Mom and I took the girls to the mall to have the picture made with the Easter Bunny. I don't think we went to church that Easter. Going places that required you to be somewhere at a specific time was next to impossible for us during those first few months. Between feedings, giving medicines, and Macy's oxygen, we pretty much kept it close to home. I know that we had lunch with my family at my Aunt Di's house that afternoon, which was probably a huge ordeal but I really don't remember the specifics.

Their second Easter we went to Monticello. This was their first time to dye Easter eggs and also their first Easter egg hunt. We hunted eggs in Meme's (my grandmother) big backyard and enjoyed some family time with Gigi, Papa, Uncle Craig, MeMe, Papaw Bob, and Nana.

Dyeing Easter Eggs with Gigi

Checking out what Easter Bunny brought

Loved these Easter dresses!

Hunting for Eggs

The next year, we spent the Saturday before Easter at The Nalley's house in Rockwall. The girls had a great time hunting for Eggs with Brooklyn. They have the perfect backyard for egg hunting. We spent Easter together just the four of us. We went to church then went to TCU to take pictures in front of the beautiful tulips.

 Out of about 50 pictures, this is the best one. ha ha!

This year, we had a pretty low key Easter. The girls had an Easter Egg hunt at school. We dyed Easter Eggs, went to church, and hunted eggs at our house. My favorite thing about this Easter was on Saturday morning before Easter, the girls and  I were talking about the Easter story. I was asking them what they knew about the story of Jesus on the cross. They were able to tell me bits and pieces saying that there were soldiers with angry eyes (?) that were mean to Jesus and he was in a cave for 3 DAYS (major emphasis on 3 days). I was filling in pieces for them and telling the whole story and when I said, "and he rose from the dead" Ava and Macy both shouted "Hosanna!!!" at the same time. Love it!! And love their sweet little Christian school that teaches them such important lessons! : )

I was amazed that they sat in the Easter Bunny's lap. They actually asked to do it. Ava had to be persuaded with candy but not only did she sit in his lap... she smiled about it!!

 Before Easter party at school

Easter morning pictures at TCU

It's hard to believe how much they have grown and how time flies! Happy late Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Easter post! The girls have grown so much! I don't know how to post on here without doing anonymous. Gail Cockrell
