The Everyday Life of Ben, Brooke, Macy, Ava, and Aubrey Wyatt

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A little bit of this... a little bit of that

There have been so many things that I wanted to blog about over the last couple of months but just didn't ever have the time so I am going to do one post with short little snippets of what we have been up to.

Swim Lessons
The girls took swim lessons this summer and did awesome. I know it seems like all I do is brag on them so maybe my next post will be about them throwing fits, not listening, and talking back. Believe me, they do plenty of that too!! Anyway, they really did make me proud during swim lessons. They were brave about putting their heads under the water and by the end of the sessions (every day for two weeks), Ava could swim across the pool completely by herself! Macy was super close to being able to do this too and just needed a little support to come up for a breath about half way across. Their teacher was amazing and SO patient. I hope when we get in the pool next summer, they will be able to pick up right where they left off.

They liked petting Mrs. Lisa's dog, Molly, as much as the swimming.

Rangers Game
When Ben's parents were in town one week over the summer, we went to a Rangers game. This has kind of become a tradition when they come in town. We have done it the last two summers. The girls always have fun, but their favorite part is the food. I think they ate nachos, hot dogs, peanuts, ice cream, and a frozen lemonade.

She didn't eat the jalapenos! She's brave but not that brave!

Ice cream face.
First Day of Preschool (3's class)
Because of our move, the girls had to start a new school. It was a little rough at first, especially for Ava, but now they are settled in and doing great. After being home with me all summer, it was a hard transition. Ava cried every day when I dropped them off for about two weeks. She would say, "please stay with me" and when I would tell her that I have to go to work she would say, "But I want you to stay because I love you." Talk about breaking a momma's heart! But, all is well now. It just took some time to get adjusted. They love their teachers and their new friends and are learning a lot. In fact, their teacher told me on Friday that Ava and Macy were the only kids in their class that memorized the Bible verse for the week. So proud! (I know.....again with the bragging).

Random things that they do
I don't know why, but I think this is hilarious. One day right after our move, I was busy unpacking and the girls were off playing somewhere else in the house. They were being good and playing together but also being unusually quiet so I knew they were probably up to something. They came out to show me this:

They had found some shower curtain hooks in a box and Ava stuck all of them in Macy's hair. Crazy girls!

Whenever they can't find something in the house, they run and get this kaleidoscope thing. they call it a spotting scope. They say, "I can't find my baby doll, I better get my spotting scope." They they look all around through the tiny eye hole like that will actually help them find it. Cracks me up! They got the idea from the TV show Diego. He looks through something similar to find animals in trouble. Here is Ava searching for something.

A visit from the Ramers
Our friends, Greg and Kelley, came to visit us a few weeks ago from Little Rock. They brought their little boy Myles who is 4. He is seriously one of the most well-behaved kids I have ever been around. So sweet!! The girls had a big time with him. We tailgated for the Arkansas vs. Texas A&M game at Cowboy stadium. We didn't go in for the actual game but just watched it on the TV at the tailgate sight. We are so glad that Ava, Macy, and Myles finally got to meet and become friends. Can't wait for them to come back!

Just have to note that A and M are still wearing their pajamas. Didn't want anyone to think that this was their outfit for the day. : )

They formed a band.

Marching Band

Riding a "Canimal"
We went up to Fayetteville last weekend for another Razorback game. My friend Andrea is getting married in January and had a shower on Friday night and a shower on Sunday. There was also tailgating and the game on Saturday. Busy weekend... which means lots of Gigi and Papa time for Ava and Macy. Mom and Dad took them to a pumpkin patch and the drive through zoo in Gentry all in one day. Mom said they had a blast and Ava and Macy are still talking about riding a "canimal" and zebras trying to get in the car.

Ok... I feel better. Feeling caught up now!

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